About Nijmegen, WC Dukenburg 90-29
The property is located in Shopping Centre Nijmegen-Dukenburg, which is located in the western district of Nijmegen and accommodates more than 100 shops.
In the direct vicinity you will find shops like Van Haren Schoenen, ICI Paris XL, Action, Kippie and Intertoys.
Surface area:
Total surface area approx. 220 m² (gla), entirely located on the groud floor.
Rental Price:
To be agreed upon.
Lease term:
5 + 5 years
Rental Payment:
Quarterly in advance.
Commencement Date:
To be agreed upon.
Rental Agreement:
Lease contract based on the Dutch ROZ-model 2012.
Bank guarantee in accordance with the ROZ-model based on 3 months' rent including VAT.
Yearly, for the first time one year after commencement date, in accordance with the 'Maandprijsindexcijfer'(CPI), All households on most recent time basis (2015 = 100).
State of Delivery:
To be agreed upon.
Subject to board approval of the Lessor.
Insight Real Estate is working on behalf of the Landlord. In case of a successful transaction no fee will be charged.
Arthur Moerman | arthur@insightrealestate.nl | 00316-13967111