Surface area:
Located between Vondelpark and the Museumplein, P.C. Hooftstraat was named after Dutch poet, playwright and historian Pieter Corneliszoon Hooft.
Along its 500 meters, the street provides home to many top luxury brands, including Louis Vuitton, Hermès, Chanel, Dior, Prada and many other iconic retail brands
The premises are arranged over ground floor and basement with the following approximate internal floor areas:
- Ground floor : 100 sq m GFA (retail space)
- Basement : 100 sq m GFA (storage space)
Rental Price:
To be agreed upon
Lease term:
10 + 5 years
Rental Payment:
Quarterly in advance
Commencement Date:
To be agreed upon
Rental Agreement:
Lease contract based on the Dutch ROZ 2012 model
Bank guarantee in accordance with the ROZ-model based on 3 months’ rent including VAT
Annually, according to CBS/CPI all households 2015=100, for the first time one year after the Commencement Date
State of Delivery:
To be agreed upon
Subject to board approval landlord
Subject to board approval current tenant
Insight Real Estate has no position for the lease of this property. In case of a successful transaction, we will charge our standard fee of 16% of the gross anual rent, to be increased with VAT
Niels van der Ham | | 0031 - 627536275